Rolls Crescent Primary School

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Art and Design

Engaging, inspiring and challenging pupils through art


In Rolls Crescent Primary School, we provide children with an Art and Design curriculum full of opportunities to develop their skills, using a range of media and material. Our children are taught the skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, 3D works, textiles and digital art. They have the opportunity to learn about an awry of artists, architects and designers, discovering their works and developing a knowledge of styles and vocabulary.

It is essential for our children to have the opportunity to explore and have the freedom to enjoy art and design. We ensure the children’s work is purposeful at all times, allowing the children to express their interests, ideas and thoughts. Children use the styles of others, whether it be artists, something in their environment or their peers work and ideas. Teachers must ensure that skills and knowledge are being built upon, so children are making a clear progression through their school life.

Children should have a clear intended outcome so they have a means of reflecting and evaluating their own work. This helps to ensure that they continue to think about how they can make changes and improve their work. All children should participate in age-related verbal or written reflection. As the children progress through the school, they should be able to reflect upon their work.

Art in our school gives children the freedom to explore their own ideas and be creative through exploration of various mediums and experiences. It allows them to take risks and helps give them opportunities to develop their decision-making skills and develop skills that are transferrable. Children are given the opportunities to connect with their own culture and the wider world through cross curricular teaching. Example – RE, Geography, History.


Children in Rolls Crescent are provided with a range of opportunities to ensure they are experiencing and developing skills within the Art and Design Curriculum.

  • Where possibly first-hand experiences are used to stimulate children’s interest and ideas within Art and Design.
  • Trips, visitors, assemblies, performances are used to enhance these learning experiences.
  • Teaching is done through whole class groups, followed by group and individual work.
  • Each lesson, new knowledge and skills are taught and developed.
  • Many opportunities are provided for cross-curricular leaning with a means of developing children’s learning experiences.
  • All children, regardless of age, have the opportunity to evaluate their own work, through non-verbal, verbal and written response.
  • All children are encouraged to share what has worked well and how things can be improved.
  • In the EYFS, they provide children with a rich variety of art and design experiences and ensure lessons, continuous provision and other areas of learning reflects this in their classrooms.


  • We try to ensure that we instil an appreciation and enjoyment of the arts that enriches children’s learning experiences.
  • Children experience a broad, balanced art curriculum, with a continuous development of knowledge and skills in art and design, drama, music and dance.
  • Experiences of the arts through a cross-curricular curriculum.
  • An awry of opportunities to express themselves through use of a range of mediums and experiences.
  • Development of children’s understanding and use of a range of specific art and design centred vocabulary.

The Changing Lives in Collaboration (CLIC)

The Changing Lives in Collaboration (CLIC) Trust is a values-led Cooperative Multi-Academy Trust of four diverse primary schools in the North-West of England. Our core principle is that 'Together We Make The Difference' and our aim is to share our passion for education and learning, developing schools that make learning irresistible. We are committed to working in collaboration to improve outcomes for children. Our schools are unique and individual places where the curriculum and quality of education are tailored to the needs of the community.

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