Medical Needs
At Rolls Crescent we aim to ensure that all children with medical conditions, in terms of both physical and mental health, are properly supported in school so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.
It is our responsibility to make arrangements that give parents and pupils confidence in the school’s ability to provide effective support for medical conditions in school.
We recognise that pupils with long-term and complex medical conditions may require on-going support, medicines or care (for example: medical interventions such as catheterisation, gastro- feeding) while at school to help them manage their condition and keep them well.
To effectively support pupils with medical needs, we will put together an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHCP). When doing so, we will consider advice from healthcare professionals and listen to and value the views of parents and pupils.
Individual Healthcare Plan:
The purpose of the IHCP is to provide clarity around a pupil’s medical needs and state what needs to be done, when and by whom. An IHCP could have different parts to it:
Regular medical protocol:
This is required if:
- A pupil needs to have a medical intervention or procedure during every school day. Eg administration of oral medication by spoon or tablet form e.g. hydrocortisone, pain relief.
- Administration of medication by injection e.g. insulin.
- Administration of a medical intervention e.g. catheterisation, gastro-feeds, care of a tracheostomy.
Giving pupils medication during the school day:
If your child requires medication to manage a medical condition eg: insulin, piriton, epi- pen, parents will be asked to provide medicines that are in-date, labelled, provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include instructions for administration, dosage and storage.
Emergency medical protocol:
A pupil may need to have strategies in place in the event of a medical emergency that can be anticipated:
- Administration of oral ‘rescue’ medication by spoon or in tablet form.
- Administration of medication by injection eg adrenaline by jext/ epipen, insulin.
- Administration of medical intervention e.g emergency suction/ change of tube for tracheostomy
Personal care plan: required if a pupil needs support with some or many aspects of their personal care/ personal independence skills e.g. undressing and dressing for P.E, accessing the bathroom, toileting needs, eating and drinking.
Risk assessment of the school environment:
A pupil may need to have strategies in place to minimise risk of injury and remove/ reduce barriers in the class/ school environment.
Personal emergency evacuation plan:
A pupil may need to have strategies in place to ensure that safe and rapid evacuation takes place in the event of an emergency evacuation.
Once agreed by parents, the IHCP will be circulated to/ signed by all staff involved with the pupil. It will be reviewed every 6 months (or sooner if required).
Off-site trips and visits: We ensure that pupils with medical needs can safely access all the opportunities presented on trips. We visit the trip venue to do a thorough risk assessment for each individual with a medical condition, when required.
We work closely with Healthcare Professionals who contribute to the IHCP’s for some medical conditions eg:
- Specialist nurses (diabetes, Adrenal, epilepsy, Macmillan)
- Physiotherapists (mobility, manual handling, post-operative)
- Occupational therapy (posture, eating/ drinking)
It is school policy that any member of school staff providing support to a pupil with medical needs should have received suitable training eg: in manual handling, gastro- feeding, use of epi-pen, taking glucose levels etc.
If any parents/ carers feel that their child requires an IHCP for any medical need they may have, please contact the school to arrange a time to discuss it.
Medical Needs Lead: Maria Armstrong