Family Support

We know that parenting can be one of the most difficult jobs and at times we may need some help or support. We know that if we get that help or support early enough it can stop problems from getting worse and reduce the need for involvement from Children’ Services. Manchester has established the Early Help Hub to provide advice and support for a range of areas such as:


       health & wellbeing,



       young carers 

You can find information by searching the internet for Manchester Early Help for Parents or by making an appointment with Parent Support Advisors Kia Mckenzie (Mon- Fri), Louise Knotman or the Inclusion Manager Jane Traore. They can do an Early Help Assessment with you and then refer to the Early Help Hub for any advice or support you may require to get back or track.

We also facilitate and signpost our parents to a range of practical and helpful parenting courses in school and within the local community.


Class Blogs

Have a look at our work on our recently updated blogs.

Contact Us

Rolls Crescent Primary School
Rolls Crescent
M15 5FT

0161 209 9930